Hey there, hard worker!

I feel your passion for music, I see your commitment to showing up in your practice, but I also know your struggle.

I'm guessing you're here because you're a dedicated musician that's:

◾️ tired of spending hours and hours in the practice room only to achieve less than desirable results.

◾️ committed to showing up for yourself in your practice, but feel frustrated at your current rate of progress.

◾️ overwhelmed by how much there is to practice, and just wish you could just feel more organized and in control.

I've been there.

I've felt the exhaustion and the overwhelm that you're feeling right now.

I've felt that frustration where, no matter how many hours I spent practicing and working hard, I just couldn't reach my goals fast enough.

And I've felt that painful sense of shame and disappointment of feeling like a failure for not achieving my dreams.

But what if it didn't have to feel that way?

Hi, I'm Alex.

Horn player, practice nerd, and passionate about helping you craft a fun, efficient, and sustainable practice routine with The HIIP Method™.

Drawn from the teachings and expertise of world-class industry professionals, such as Andrew Bain of the LA Philharmonic, The HIIP Method™ teaches you the most efficient and effective way to practice.

Learning this method will save you time, energy, and ultimately money, by accelerating your progress, helping you to achieve your career dreams faster!

I was sixteen years into my music journey when I was finally introduced to the strategies and philosophies that have gone into creating The HIIP Method™, thanks to learning them at the elite music training institution, The Australian National Academy of Music.

And, while I feel extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to learn about them at ANAM, I also believe that these specific strategies should not be kept exclusively for students only at the world's top-level institutions.

Which is why I developed this course...

The High-Intensity Interval Practice Method

A 'best practice' practice approach, for faster results in fewer notes!

The HIIP Method™ is a proven practice framework that is applicable for any instrument of any genre, and is scientifically optimized to give you the best chance of success in your practice by:

◾️ Equipping you with simple and effective strategies to strengthen your limited focus and improve your awareness, so that you can become more mindful and intentional in your practice.

◾️ Helping you to understand what exactly you should be focusing on in your practice, so you can build more reliable and sustainable habits for performance.

◾️ Providing you with a clear pathway to take any new work from complete unfamiliarity to performance ready.

◾️ Walking you through exactly how to create your very own personalized HIIP Routine, with tutorials and exercises designed to help you create a practice plan that is tailored to both you and your instrument's needs.

Not so sure? That's ok!

Here's what other musicians have to say about

The HIIP Method

"I've never felt more excited to practice!"

The HIIP Method is a dynamic, insightful, and highly motivating course! Delving into The HIIP Method helped to transform my mindset around practice, from something that is necessary yet often mundane, to an activity that is super engaging and effective as a result of embracing a different approach.

I now feel equipped with the tools and strategies to implement that will result in truly meaningful practice and in turn help me to progress my own musical development at a much faster rate. Undertaking this course provided me with an opportunity to put my own practice habits under the microscope, reflect and ultimately create a practice plan that is instrument specific and sustainable.

I would highly recommend this course to all aspiring musicians. I've never felt more excited to practice! 

  • Brienne Gawler | Oboe

From frustration to clarity!

My practice habits were actually very strong before starting The HIIP Method Course; however, I was often frustrated that no matter how many hours I would practice in a given day, I never felt like I could properly address everything I wanted.

Having now taken The HIIP Method Course, I feel a sense of clarity when deciding how to prioritise different areas of my practice. I have identified exactly what my instrument requires for optimal performance, and I feel that I now have the tools to address these in a more efficient and effective way. 

The Course was beautifully presented in a positive, light, and enjoyable way. I never felt like I was getting an entire book of information thrown at me and the modules fit nicely into my practice breaks!

Fundamentally changing the way we practice can be very intimidating and almost threatening in a way; however, the course provided a structure to make the transition a natural and easy process.

  • Joel Walmsley | Trumpet

It's a surefire plan to reach your goals!

The HIIP Method is an extremely useful tool for musicians, particularly those with busy schedules who want their practice to be as optimal as possible.

This course is an excellent guide to removing unproductive practice habits and building a sustainable plan for the most productive practice, in the shortest time frame.

I highly recommend it to any musician looking for a surefire plan to reach their goals.

  • Chris Haycroft | Bassoon

The Nitty Gritty

When you enroll in The HIIP Method™, you'll get:

◾️ Six video-training modules packed full of knowledge and strategies, and sequentially designed to walk you through creating your very own personalized HIIP Routine by the end of the course!
◾️ A course workbook that compliments the lessons and guides you through the process.
◾️ A series of additional resources and recommended readings to help you dive even deeper into the topics explored in the course.

So if you want to:

✔️ Accelerate your progress and hone your craft

✔️ Know how to establish the right habits for performance

✔️ Feel more organized and in control of your practice

✔️ Stop wasting precious practice time and mental energy figuring out how to organize your practice

✔️ Feel more confident knowing your practice plan is optimized for performance success

This course is closed for enrollment.

Morton Music gratefully acknowledges the support of The University of Melbourne IgniteLAB in bringing The HIIP Method to life!